“I thought you won’t do it.” “Do I need to remind you on everything?” “Why did you do that for?” “Can you do something about it?” I did it because you encouraged me to. I did it because you told me to the last time. I did it because I thought it was what you … More

30th December 2020

It’s the 30th December of 2020. The second last day before we welcome 2021. 2020 has been… confusing. It’s ironic how familiar I am with that feeling. The year started off okay; I was interning at this company. Life was okay. It was normal. Perhaps a little mundane. Then COVID-19 hit. And everything just spiraled. … More 30th December 2020


The water rose higher as I struggled to stay afloat, my arms flailing around me. Breathe, I thought. I tried to take in gasps of breath, only to find a burst of saltiness up my nose and into my mouth. It stings my eyes. It’s so dark and I could hardly see where I am, possibly a … More Breathe.

"别走,我爱你。"他紧紧地抓住她的手。 她想把他的手甩开,但他的力气毕竟比她的大,而且她怎忍心抛开牵了多年的手。 他大力一拉,把她又拉回到自己的怀里,已经没了当初灿烂的笑容,而是一滴滴的眼泪,不停地流下她的脸颊。 "我终于明白为什么有人会因为爱得太深而离开。是因为自己爱得太深、对方爱得太少,让自己无法自拔。"她笑着说,但是眼睛依然悲伤,泪水依旧往下流。 她用双收抚摸着他的脸颊,那张曾经带给她无比的快乐与悲伤的脸颊。她尖起脚尖,在他额头上轻轻地吻了下,再往他的鼻子上再吻了下。她看了看他的嘴唇,似乎想再次亲他。 她哭了出来,然后又轻轻地吻了他。这些日子的思念、委屈、爱意,全都投入了那一吻中。 "我只是个过客,但请你一定要对下任女友好些… 疼她,爱她,珍惜她。别让她流泪,别给她机会质疑你对她的爱,更别质疑她的爱。" 说完,她转身就随风离开了。

“请给我一碗汤。” 阿姨盛来了一碗热乎乎的汤,香味噗鼻。我接过那碗汤,认真地看那碗里的自己,顿时觉得自己好像苍老了不少。眼里似乎没了期待明天的兴奋,就算笑了也不像以前一样,反而多了一丝忧愁。 喝下它就好了对吗? 阿姨似乎知道我在想什么,脸上露出了慈悲的笑容,似乎引导着我,把汤喝下。 一切很快就会好了。

Tears of Spark

28.11.18 0045am 29.11.18 “See you tomorrow!” her laugh echos through the streets as her friends drove off, a bright smile still present on her face. Her eyes twinkle, her laughter infectious. ————————————————– As she enters the dark and dim apartment, her shoulders droop, her head, her heart and her feet heavy with every single step, … More Tears of Spark

Just because.

She rolled over, staring into his brown eyes. “Why me? Out of so many people in the world,” she asked, with a mischievous glint in her eyes. He stared intently at her before he held her close to his chest, enveloping her within his warmth, as though he’s shielding her away from the world. She … More Just because.


谁还记得 是谁先说 永远的爱我 以前的一句话 是我们以后的伤口 过了太久 没人记得 当初那些温柔 我和你手牵手 说要一起 走到最后 我们都忘了 这条路走了多久 心中是清楚的 有一天 有一天都会停的 让时间说真话 虽然我也害怕 在天黑了以后 我们都不知道会不会有以后 最近的感触很深,不知不觉中,对你的感情也逐渐变深,想收也收不回。 妈曾经告诉我:如果以后喜欢上一个人,享受过程是一回事。但是自己的感情别像洪水一样,不断地流出,要记得收一些,不然很容易受伤。 我好像没做到,只越陷越深。 虽然现在我们也没什么问题,但是我心中一直会对我们的未来感到耿耿于怀。很希望在我的未来的那个人是你,但是不知道我们是否适合对方,能够与子偕老。20 岁的我们,真的知道什么是爱情,如何守护我们之间的爱情吗?还是只是懵懵懂懂的演出一段所谓让人难以遗忘的爱情故事? 她好像也告诉我,一定要找一个爱我比我爱他多的人,这样才会比较幸福。 可能是因为我性子比较软,容易伤心流泪,或许是因为我很容易用我的100%去爱他人,所以妈希望我能找一个爱我过于他的100%的人吧。 那个人是你吗? 有时候会觉得你不是我要找的人,但是我却能想象我们一起创造的未来,所以也不确定我到底应该怎么做。走一步,看一步?可是又常听人家说,短痛不如长痛。 算了,就算以后伤痕累累也罢。 这应该就是人家说的 “不在乎天长地久,只在乎曾经拥有”。